What is No China Extradition? Why is this controversial?
什麼是反送中運動? 為什麼這具有爭議?

Extradition law in China-is the formal process by which a fugitive found outside China's jurisdiction is surrendered to the jurisdiction where an alleged offense has taken place for trial or punishment.

Controversial Reason 爭議的原因
1. People may be subject to arbitrary detention, unfair trial, and torture under China's judicial system.
2. Real Example Lam Wing Kee, a Hong Kong bookseller was abducted and detained in China in 2015 for selling books critical of Chinese leaders and charged with "operating a bookstore illegally"
HK Police used excessive force during the parade 香港警方在遊行期間過度使用武力
During the parade, polices beat and push people down the escalator in the subway, sexual and language violent demonstrators; besides that, the police also shooting at a close distance, cause a female permanent blind.

What a shame to HK? 香港不可取?

A lot of Chinese netizens and entertainers have expressed their support for the Hong Kong police because they believe that the behavior of no extradition to China is a shame. Also, they agree that Hong Kong's police use tear gas indoor and conquer shooting at a close distance.


Local news in China 中國的地方新聞

On July 21, some radical protesters in Hong Kong blocked the Hong Kong Liaison Office, destroyed facilities, defaced the national emblem, and sprayed insultingly the country. Such acts not only trample on the rule of law in Hong Kong, but also openly challenge the authority of the central government and touch the bottom line of the "one country, two systems" principles. If they are allowed to trample on the rule of law in Hong Kong, Hong Kong's advantages and Hong Kong's competitiveness will be eroded. The broad masses of Hong Kong people must recognize the violent dangers and essence of a very small number of militants, resolutely safeguard "one country, two systems", resolutely defend Hong Kong's laws and order, and protect the beautiful homes of 7 million people.

Internationally 國際反響?

US congressional commission said the proposed changes would further erode Hong Kong's autonomy.
Britain and Canada expressed they were concerned over the "potential effect" that the proposed changes would have on UK and Canadian citizens in Hong Kong.
The European Union has also issued a diplomatic note to Mrs. Lam 
    No China Extradition 反送中
    創作者 社會觀察家阿文君 的頭像


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