
What are Supply and Demand?

Demand: is concerned with the behavior of buyers
- A consumer's desire to buy a good/service while being willing and able to buy them at a specific price.
- price doesn't change demand

Supply: concerned with the behavior of sellers, which include firms in the product markets and households in resources market.
-Forms produce good and services, and they supply them to product markets for sale.
供給: 只有產生對某種商品的需要,同時又有購買慾望和支付能力的情況下,才會產生需求。

Market and Price 市場與價格

Market: is defined as the sum total of all the buyers and sellers in the area or region under consideration. 
Price: A value that will purchase a finite quantity, weight, or other measures of a good or service
Market strength: can target asset classes that look to be the strongest performers or spot early signs of broad market reversals. 
Price mechanism: is the manner in which the profits of goods or services affect the supply and demand of goods and services, principally by the price elasticity of demand

Model of Supply and Demand供給和需求模型

Tilting to the upper right is the supply curve, which represents the number of items the producer is willing to sell at a certain price level.
Tilting to the lower right is the demand curve, which represents the amount that consumers are willing to buy at a certain price level.
The intersection of the two curves (equalization point)is the equilibrium price and the equilibrium output.


Reason for the change in demand 需求變動的原因?

-收入 income
-喜好和品味 preferences and taste
-替代商品的價格 prices of substitute goods

-補充商品的價格 prices of complementary goods
-人口變化 demographic shift
-收入轉移 income shift

Example of change in demand or supply

The market for coffee 咖啡市場

For instance, you may be asked to explain the effect on the market for coffee of the severe frost experienced in Brazil just before the harvest

This will ruin at least some of the year's crop in the huge coffee-growing country of Brazil. The supply curve will shift to the left, ceteris paribus, and so the price will rise and the quantity demanded/supplied will fall.
這將破壞巴西這個巨大的咖啡種植國家今年的部分作物。 在其他條件不變的情況下,供應曲線將向左移動,因此價格將上漲,需求/供應量將下降。

*The supply curves are vertical, this is true when using supply curves to explain any agricultural product in the short run. 
供應曲線是垂直的。 使用供應曲線在短期內解釋任何農產品時都是如此。


Advanced knowledge 進階小知識

*Law of Demand: There is an inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded
需求定理: 一件物品的相對價格下跌時,其需求量會上升。
*Law of Supply: the positive causal relationship between the quantity of a good supplied over a particular time period and its price, ceteris paribus.
供給定律: 假設其他因素不變,當一件物品的相對價格上升時,其供給量會上升。

*Individual Supply: Supply of and individual firms indicate the various quantities of good/services a firm is willing and able to produce and supply to the market for sale at different possible prices, during a particular time period. (ceteris paribus)

*Market Supply: Indicates the total quantities of a good that firms are willing and able to supply in the market at different possible prices, it is given by the sum of all individual supplies of that good.


    創作者 社會觀察家阿文君 的頭像


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